Beyond Keyword Matching: AI-Driven Candidate Selection with Deep Vector Search and Reinforcement Learning

How Deep Learning & AI Drive Faster, Smarter, and Fairer Talent Acquisition

This mathematical model captures the core decision-making process in’s architecture

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What HR Professionals Are Saying...

The last company I worked for. We were doing bulk hiring for a newly-formed department, and while we had more than enough applicants, hardly anyone was getting through. Come to find out, the lady in HR who was in charge of the initial screening was one of those people who just didn't like...people. 😂
Sarah Parker
Hiring Manager
We'd all worked with her for so long and had never done a hiring spree like that before, so we never noticed it. What a hassle it was to manually go back through all the applicants she turned away!

byteSpark would have come in handy then.